GeneralizedLinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs a generalized linear model of the form g -1 (\[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 f_1 + \[Beta]_2 f_2 + ...) that ...
In addition to importing ZIP files stored on your machine, Mathematica can also import ZIP files directly from a URL. In most cases, processing data in ZIP files is ...
ImageSize is an option that specifies the overall size of an image to display for an object.
## represents the sequence of arguments supplied to a pure function. ## n represents the sequence of arguments supplied to a pure function, starting with the ...
DirectedInfinity[] represents an infinite numerical quantity whose direction in the complex plane is unknown. DirectedInfinity[z] represents an infinite numerical quantity ...
EllipticF[\[Phi], m] gives the elliptic integral of the first kind F(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
FindMinimum[f, x] searches for a local minimum in f, starting from an automatically selected point.FindMinimum[f, {x, x_0}] searches for a local minimum in f, starting from ...
HistogramDistribution[{x_1, x_2, ...}] represents the probability distribution corresponding to a histogram of the data values x_i.HistogramDistribution[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, ...
LayeredGraphPlot attempts to draw the vertices of a graph in a series of layers, placing dominant vertices at the top, and vertices lower in the hierarchy progressively ...
PadeApproximant[expr, {x, x_0, {m, n}}] gives the Padé approximant to expr about the point x = x_0, with numerator order m and denominator order n.PadeApproximant[expr, {x, ...