PascalDistribution[n, p] represents a Pascal distribution with parameters n and p.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sinh[z] gives the hyperbolic sine of z.
The connectivity and data-processing capabilities of Mathematica make it ideal for importing and analyzing data displayed on a website. In most cases, this is relatively ...
For minimization problems for which the objective function is a sum of squares, it is often advantageous to use the special structure of the problem. Time and effort can be ...
ThreeJSymbol[{j_1, m_1}, {j_2, m_2}, {j_3, m_3}] gives the values of the Wigner 3-j symbol.
LogSeriesDistribution[\[Theta]] represents a logarithmic series distribution with parameter \[Theta].
SkellamDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2] represents a Skellam distribution with shape parameters \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2.
Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr with controls added to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u. Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max, ...
OrderStarSymbolSize is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the size of the symbols used to represent poles, zeros and interpolation points.
OrderStarSymbolThickness is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the thickness of the outline of the symbols used to represent interpolation points, poles and zeros.