GraphPlot3D[{v i 1 -> v j 1, v i 2 -> v j 2, ...}] generates a 3D plot of the graph in which vertex v_ik is connected to vertex v_jk.GraphPlot3D[{{v i 1 -> v j 1, lbl_1}, ...
You can enhance the appearance of 3D graphics in Mathematica by changing the direction and color of plot lighting. Lighting , an option for Graphics3D and related functions, ...
Functions relating real numbers and integers. Extracting integer and fractional parts. IntegerPart[x] and FractionalPart[x] can be thought of as extracting digits to the left ...
Built into Mathematica are state-of-the-art constrained nonlinear fitting capabilities, conveniently accessed with models given directly in symbolic form. Mathematica also ...
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
A variety of moments or combinations of moments are used to summarize a distribution or data. Mean is used to indicate a center location, variance and standard deviation are ...
Using the latest platform-optimized code, Mathematica not only delivers high-efficiency machine-precision evaluation of elementary functions, but also—using a number of ...
Functions for manipulating trigonometric expressions. This expands out a trigonometric expression. This factors the expression.