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TabSpacings   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
TabSpacings is an option for character selections that specifies the number of spaces in ems that the cursor advances when the Tab key is pressed.
Constrained Optimization in ...   (Mathematica Tutorial)
[1] Mehrotra, S. "On the Implementation of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Method." SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 (1992): 575–601. [2] Nelder, J.A. and R. Mead. "A Simplex ...
TreeForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
TreeForm[expr] displays expr as a tree with different levels at different depths. TreeForm[expr, n] displays expr as a tree only down to level n.
Accumulate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Accumulate[list] gives a list of the successive accumulated totals of elements in list.
AlgebraicNumberNorm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AlgebraicNumberNorm[a] gives the norm of the algebraic number a.
Introduction to Step Control   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Even with "Newton methods" where the local model is based on the actual Hessian, unless you are close to a root or minimum, the model step may not bring you any closer to the ...
LegendPosition   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendPosition is an option for Legend, which specifies the location of the lower-left corner of a legend box.
LegendTextSpace   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendTextSpace is an option for Legend, which specifies the space in the legend box for text.
ComplexExpand   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ComplexExpand[expr] expands expr assuming that all variables are real. ComplexExpand[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] expands expr assuming that variables matching any of the x_i are ...
Evaluate Infinite Sums and Products   (Mathematica How To)
In calculus, infinite sums and products can pose a challenge to manipulate by hand. Mathematica can evaluate a huge number of different types of sums and products with ease.
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