2431 - 2440 of 4838 for function plottingSearch Results
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KSetPartitions   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
KSetPartitions[set, k] returns the list of set partitions of set with k blocks. KSetPartitions[n, k] returns the list of set partitions of {1, 2, ..., n} with k blocks. If ...
MakeDirected   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
MakeDirected[g] constructs a directed graph from a given undirected graph g by replacing each undirected edge in g by two directed edges pointing in opposite directions.
EquationTrekkerState   (Equation Trekker Package Symbol)
EquationTrekkerState[{eqns, dvars, {t, t_min, t_max}}, params, treks, opts] is the data object returned by the function EquationTrekker, that contains the information needed ...
UpdateNotebookStyles   (Notation Package Symbol)
UpdateNotebookStyles[] is a function that will add the styles and input aliases the Notation Package defines to your current notebook.UpdateNotebookStyles[notebook] will ...
AllowScriptLevelChange   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AllowScriptLevelChange is an option for fractions and grids that controls whether certain operators, such as \[Sum], \[Product], and \[Integral], always appear smaller than ...
Control   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Control[{u, dom}] represents an interactive control for the variable u in the domain dom, with the type of control chosen to be appropriate for the domain ...
Defer   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Defer[expr] yields an object that displays as the unevaluated form of expr, but that is evaluated if it is explicitly given as Mathematica input.
DistanceTransform   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DistanceTransform[image] gives the distance transform of image, in which the value of each pixel is replaced by its distance to the nearest background ...
FontProperties   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FontProperties -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2} specifies font properties.
FractionBoxOptions   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FractionBoxOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies settings for FractionBox objects within the cell.
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