ControllableDecomposition[ss] yields the controllable decomposition of the StateSpaceModel object ss. The result is a list {s_c, ss_c} where s_c is the transformation matrix ...
ObservableDecomposition[ss] yields the observable decomposition of the StateSpaceModel object ss. The result is a list {s_o, ss_o} where s_o is the transformation matrix and ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs = rhs evaluates rhs and assigns the result to be the value of lhs. From then on, lhs is replaced by rhs whenever it appears. {l_1, l_2, ...} = {r_1, r_2, ...} evaluates ...
NotebookPut[expr] creates a notebook corresponding to expr and makes it the currently selected notebook in the front end. NotebookPut[] creates a new empty ...
Functions for constructing matrices. This generates a 2×2 matrix whose i,j^th entry is a[i,j]. Here is another way to produce the same matrix.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MPS mathematical file format. De facto standard for specifying linear programming (LP) problems. Commonly used as input format by LP solvers. MPS is an acronym for ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x > y yields True if x is determined to be greater than y. x_1 > x_2 > x_3 yields True if the x_i form a strictly decreasing sequence.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherPlot[tree] gives a plot of tree.ButcherPlot[{tree_1, tree_2, ...}] gives an array of plots of tree_1, tree_2, ....
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Black represents the color black in graphics or style specifications.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Brown represents the color brown in graphics or style specifications.