A typical Mathematica notebook containing text, graphics, and Mathematica expressions. The brackets on the right indicate the extent of each cell. Mathematica notebooks are ...
TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that makes the functions of TetGen available to Mathematica. This is done with Wolfram LibraryLink, which allows TetGen to be used in ...
RemoteKernelServices[] returns a list of services provided by the Lightweight Grid.
DeBruijnGraph[m, n] constructs the n-dimensional De Bruijn graph with m symbols for integers m > 0 and n > 1. DeBruijnGraph[alph, n] constructs the n-dimensional De Bruijn ...
FieldExp[f, n] gives the value of the discrete exponential of n associated with the field f.
FirstIntegral[u] represents a first integral associated with the variable u in the output of the function FirstIntegrals.
The user interface for Mathematica provides many options for formatting input and output.
MeanShift[list, d] replaces each element in list by the mean of the values of all elements that differ by less than d.
OpenRead["file"] opens a file to read data from, and returns an InputStream object.
TraceScan[f, expr] applies f to all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. TraceScan[f, expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. TraceScan[f, expr, ...