InverseFunctions is an option for Solve and related functions that specifies whether inverse functions should be used.
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
Mathematica's symbolic character allows it to handle generalized functions or "distributions" as a direct extension of classical mathematical functions, and to represent ...
Pure functions. When you use functional operations such as Nest and Map, you always have to specify a function to apply. In all the examples above, we have used the "name" of ...
Turning conditions into numbers. Boole[expr] is a basic function that turns True and False into 1 and 0. It is sometimes known as the characteristic function or indicator ...
Hundreds of thousands of mathematical results derived at Wolfram Research give Mathematica unprecedented strength in the transformation and simplification of hypergeometric ...
Mathematica supports hyperbolic functions everywhere in the complex plane—with careful attention to branch cuts—and provides an extensive web of exact and algebraic ...
With careful standardization of argument conventions, Mathematica provides full coverage of all standard types of elliptic functions, with arbitrary-precision numerical ...
Functions relating real numbers and integers. Extracting integer and fractional parts. IntegerPart[x] and FractionalPart[x] can be thought of as extracting digits to the left ...