Palettes give you immediate access to many features built into Mathematica, from creating syntactically complete expressions and inserting special characters, to building up ...
ExtentElementFunction is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that gives a function to use to generate the primitives for rendering each extent element.
The simplest type of linear second-order ODE is one with constant coefficients. This linear second-order ODE has constant coefficients. Notice that the general solution is a ...
Mathematica has a collection of commands that do unconstrained optimization (FindMinimum and FindMaximum) and solve nonlinear equations (FindRoot) and nonlinear fitting ...
Text strings. The quotes are not included in standard Mathematica output form. In input form, the quotes are included.
Even with "Newton methods" where the local model is based on the actual Hessian, unless you are close to a root or minimum, the model step may not bring you any closer to the ...
Mathematica's integrated symbolic architecture makes possible a uniquely powerful and streamlined approach to labeling and legending, in which metadata can manually or ...
Mathematica's symbolic control objects include options that make it easy to optimize both appearance and functionality in arbitrarily sophisticated interfaces.
Permutations are among the most basic elements of discrete mathematics. They can be used to represent discrete groups of transformations and in particular play a key role in ...