VertexNormals is an option for graphics primitives which specifies the normal directions to assign to 3D vertices.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Xor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical XOR (exclusive OR) function. It gives True if an odd number of the e_i are True, and the rest are False. It gives False if an even number of ...
Different kinds of vector and matrix multiplication. This multiplies each element of the vector by the scalar k. The "dot" operator gives the scalar product of two vectors.
Mathematica allows you to perform many operations on power series. In all cases, Mathematica gives results only to as many terms as can be justified from the accuracy of your ...
LinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs a linear model of the form \[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 f_1 + \[Beta]_2 f_2 + ... that fits the y_i for successive x ...
The IDA package is part of the SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers) developed at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing of Lawrence ...
TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda]] represents Tukey's lambda distribution with shape parameter \[Lambda].TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents ...
Orthogonalize[{v_1, v_2, ...}] gives an orthonormal basis found by orthogonalizing the vectors v_i.Orthogonalize[{e_1, e_2, ...}, f] gives a basis for the e_i orthonormal ...
CUDASort[vec] sorts the input vector.CUDASort[mem] sorts CUDAMemory in place.CUDASort[vec, op] sorts input with respect to the ordering function op.
This package provides functions for the generation of standard waveforms and waveforms with user-specified spectra, the synthesis of amplitude and frequency modulated ...