SatisfiabilityCount[bf] counts the number of possible combinations of variable values that yield True when supplied as arguments to the Boolean function ...
Introduction Calling .NET from Mathematica Calling Mathematica from .NET
StableDistribution[type, \[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents the stable distribution S_type with index of stability \[Alpha], skewness parameter \[Beta], location ...
GUIObject[root, args] represents a live interface instance with root widget root, wrapping the active widgets and environment.
$GUIPath lists the directories searched in attempting to find interface files.
This example demonstrates how you can use the InvokeThread option of user interface functions to allow user interface updates to be visible when performing a long Mathematica ...
VertexList[g] gives a list of all vertices in the graph g.
MusicScale[{i_1, i_2, ...}, freq, dur] creates a Sound object that is a sequence of pitches corresponding to numbers i_1, i_2, ..., a list of intervals measured in cents, ...
Frequently, physical systems exhibit special symmetries or structures that make a particular coordinate system especially useful. In a mathematically elegant solution to ...