The equations of motion for a free rigid body whose center of mass is at the origin are given by the following Euler equations (see [MR99]). Two quadratic first integrals of ...
Symbolic graphics and unparalleled function and data visualization
J/Link provides Mathematica users with the ability to interact with arbitrary Java classes directly from Mathematica. You can create objects and call methods directly in the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reduce[expr, vars] reduces the statement expr by solving equations or inequalities for vars and eliminating quantifiers. Reduce[expr, vars, dom] does the reduction over the ...
When many rows of data are returned from a database query, a significant amount of memory may be required to hold the result. If all of the data does not need to be available ...
All the functionality of NumericalMath`InterpolateRoot`is now available in the newly created Function Approximations Package.
OrderStarSymbolSize is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the size of the symbols used to represent poles, zeros and interpolation points.
OrderStarSymbolThickness is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the thickness of the outline of the symbols used to represent interpolation points, poles and zeros.
RegularExpression["regex"] represents the generalized regular expression specified by the string " regex".
Constructing matrices with special shapes. This creates a matrix of 0s containing a radius 4 diamond of 1s. The result is a 9×9 matrix. The size of the matrix can be ...