(Mathematica LibraryLink C Function) void Message (char*txt) issues a message from a library function.
AddEventHandler[obj@event, func] assigns the specified Mathematica function func to be called when the given event event fires.
int MLPutDouble (MLINK link, double x) puts the floating-point number x of C type double to the MathLink connection specified by link.
Extrapolation methods are a class of arbitrary-order methods with automatic order and step-size control. The error estimate comes from computing a solution over an interval ...
When numerically solving Hamiltonian dynamical systems it is advantageous if the numerical method yields a symplectic map. If the Hamiltonian can be written in separable ...
PearsonDistribution[a_1, a_0, b_2, b_1, b_0] represents a distribution of the Pearson family with parameters a_1, a_0, b_2, b_1, and b_0.PearsonDistribution[type, a_1, a_0, ...
CirculantGraph[n, j] gives the circulant graph with n vertices and jump j C_n (j).CirculantGraph[n, {j_1, j_2, ...}] gives the circulant graph with n vertices and jumps j_1, ...
TuranGraph[n, k] gives the k-partite Turán graph with n vertices T n, k.
This package provides an interactive tool for investigating the solutions of differential equations as well as other types of equations that have solutions that can be viewed ...
SystemsModelParallelConnect[sys_1, sys_2] connects TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel objects sys_1 and sys_2 in parallel.SystemsModelParallelConnect[sys_1, sys_2, ...