MultilaunchWarning is a global option that specifies whether a warning is given when you try to modify user preferences while running two copies of Mathematica simultaneously.
PodStates is an option for WolframAlpha that determines information about the states of the pods.
p ... or RepeatedNull[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of zero or more expressions, each matching p.
RowLines is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies whether lines should be drawn between adjacent rows.
RowsEqual is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies whether all rows in the grid should be assigned equal total height.
RowSpacings is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies the spaces in x heights that should be inserted between successive rows.
ShowShortBoxForm is an option for cells that specifies whether box expressions, which are used to represent two-dimensional forms in a cell, are displayed in a more compact ...
SpellingDictionaries -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is a global option that specifies settings for spell checking.
SubMinus[expr] displays as expr_-.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) SubPlus[expr] displays as expr_+.