int MLPutInteger16 (MLINK link, int i) puts the 16-bit integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutInteger32 (MLINK link, int i) puts the 32-bit integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
GUIKit definitions are defined as a hierarchy of widgets, whether they are defined in the Mathematica expression format or in the XML format, GUIKitXML. A single ...
int MLPutRawData (MLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l) puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length l bytes to link.
int MLEvaluateString (MLINK link, char *string) sends a string to Mathematica for evaluation, and discards any packets sent in response.
int MLGetData (MLINK link, char *b, int len, int *count) gets textual data from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the result in a buffer b of maximum length ...
int MLGetInteger16 (MLINK link, short *i) gets a 16-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it as a C short in i.
int MLGetInteger32 (MLINK link, int *i) gets a 32-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
int MLGetNext (MLINK link) goes to the next object on link and returns its type.
int MLGetReal64 (MLINK link, double *x) gets a double-precision floating-point number from the MathLink connection link and stores it in x.