When you set up mathematical formulas, you often have to introduce various kinds of local objects or "dummy variables". You can treat such dummy variables using modules and ...
Mathematica uses the Microsoft math recognizer that is built into Windows 7 to recognize handwritten mathematical expressions. This allows you to enter handwritten ...
$JavaExceptionHandler allows you to control how exceptions thrown in Java are handled in Mathematica.
$PrintServiceRequest uses the Mathematica Print function to print the message sent to a web service.
$PrintServiceResponse uses the Mathematica Print function to print the message received from a web service before it is deserialized into a Rule syntax expression.
DynamicModule[{x, y, ...}, expr] represents an object which maintains the same local instance of the symbols x, y, ... in the course of all evaluations of Dynamic objects in ...
FindClusters[{e_1, e_2, ...}] partitions the e i into clusters of similar elements. FindClusters[{e_1 -> v_1, e_2 -> v_2, ...}] returns the v_i corresponding to the e i in ...
FourierDCT[list] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of a list of real numbers.FourierDCT[list, m] finds the Fourier discrete cosine transform of type m.
WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
void MLDestroyMark (MLINK link, MLMARK mark) destroys the specified mark on a link.