CUDAMemoryAllocate[type, dim] gives CUDAMemory with specified type and single dimension.CUDAMemoryAllocate[type, {dim_1, dim_2, ...}] gives CUDAMemory with specified type and ...
OpenCLFractalRender3D[width, height] renders a three-dimensional fractal with image size being the specified width and height.
RemoteServicesAgents[] returns a list of URLs for Lightweight Grid managers discovered on the local network.RemoteServicesAgents["agent"] returns a list of agent URLs known ...
You can use the Mathematica BSF engine that ships with the GUIKit` framework in third-party applications that support BSF. The naming conventions to note are that BSF uses ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Graph[e, v, opts] represents a graph object where e is the list of edges annotated with graphics options, v is a list of vertices annotated with graphics options, and opts is ...
Functionality in this package has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel or incorporated into newly created packages. CDF, PDF and CharacteristicFunction are built ...
NFourierCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n \[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier exponential series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierCosCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier cosine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierSinCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) Radius is an option to NSeries that specifies the radius of the circle around which the function is to be sampled.