FinancialDerivative[instrument, params, ambientparams] gives the value of the specified financial instrument.FinancialDerivative[instrument, params, ambientparams, prop] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Resolve[expr] attempts to resolve expr into a form that eliminates ForAll and Exists quantifiers. Resolve[expr, dom] works over the domain dom. Common choices of dom are ...
SystemsModelFeedbackConnect[sys] gives the closed-loop system for the StateSpaceModel or TransferFunctionModel object sys with unity negative feedback. ...
WaveletListPlot[dwd] plots wavelet transform coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletListPlot[dwd, wind] plots wavelet transform coefficients corresponding to the ...
SymbolicC provides automated formatting of the generated C output. This section reviews some of the ways that you can work with formatting to create your own styles of ...
(ANOVA Package Symbol) ANOVA[data] performs a one-way analysis of variance.ANOVA[data, model, vars] performs an analysis of variance for model as a function of the categorical variables vars.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Disk[{x, y}, r] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a filled disk of radius r centered at the point x, y. Disk[{x, y}] gives a disk of radius 1. Disk[{x, ...
Eigenvectors[m] gives a list of the eigenvectors of the square matrix m. Eigenvectors[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvectors of m with respect to a. Eigenvectors[m, k] ...
InverseFourier[list] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.
JordanDecomposition[m] yields the Jordan decomposition of a square matrix m. The result is a list {s, j} where s is a similarity matrix and j is the Jordan canonical form of ...