UnitTriangle[x] represents the unit triangle function on the interval |x| <= 1 .UnitTriangle[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit triangle function on the ...
Mathematica symbols are the ultimate atoms of symbolic data. Every symbol has a unique name, exists in a certain Mathematica context or namespace, and can have a variety of ...
You can use the Mathematica function DSolve to find symbolic solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations. Solving a differential equation consists essentially in ...
Mathematica immediately allows you to call both standalone programs and individual functions or methods within running programs. Mathematica's architecture allows external ...
EulerPhi[n] gives the Euler totient function \[Phi](n).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DawsonF[z] gives the Dawson integral F(z).
OptionsPattern[] is a pattern object that represents a collection of options given as rules, where the values of the options can be accessed using OptionValue. ...
Mathematica uses its symbolic architecture to provide a convenient modular framework for generating and managing messages, both in programs and interactive sessions.
JacobiZeta[\[Phi], m] gives the Jacobi zeta function Z(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
HurwitzZeta[s, a] gives the Hurwitz zeta function \[Zeta](s, a).