Web Services Link is a Mathematica add-on application. Before any functions from the package can be used, it must be loaded as follows. InstallService will install the web ...
AutoLoadNotationPalette specifies whether the Notation palette is opened when the Notation Package is loaded.
CreateNotationRules is a possible value for the Action option to Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation.
RemoveNotationRules is a possible value for the Action option to Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation.
Mathematica provides a complete set of functions needed to compute and verify the controllability and observability properties of linear systems, as well as advanced ...
p_1 | p_2 | ... is a pattern object which represents any of the patterns p_i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) C[i] is the default form for the i\[Null]\[Null]^th parameter or constant generated in representing the results of various symbolic computations.
FilterRules[rules, patt] filters the list rules by picking out only those rules whose left-hand sides match patt.FilterRules[rules, {patt_1, patt_2, ...}] picks out rules ...
QuadraticIrrationalQ[x] gives True if x is a quadratic irrational and False otherwise.
SessionTime[] gives the total number of seconds of real time that have elapsed since the beginning of your Mathematica session.