GraphPeriphery[g] gives the set of vertices with maximum eccentricity in the graph g.
DeBruijnGraph[m, n] gives the n-dimensional De Bruijn graph with m symbols.DeBruijnGraph[m, n, type] gives the De Bruijn graph with connectivity given by type.
ClosenessCentrality[g] finds the closeness centrality.
HighlightGraph[g, {a_1, a_2, ...}] highlights the a_i that can be vertices, edges, or subgraphs of g.HighlightGraph[g, {..., w_j[a_j], ...}] highlights using the symbolic ...
UniformGraphDistribution[n, m] represents a uniform graph distribution on n-vertex, m-edge graphs.
KnightTourGraph[m, n] gives a Knight's tour graph on an m*n chessboard.
NeighborhoodGraph[g, v] gives the graph neighborhood vertex v in the graph g. NeighborhoodGraph[g, {a_1, a_2, ...}] gives the graph neighborhood of the a_i that can be ...
HararyGraph[k, n] generates the minimal k-connected graph on n vertices H k, n.
DegreeGraphDistribution[dlist] represents a degree graph distribution with vertex degree dlist.
TreeGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is a tree and False otherwise.