Distances[g, v] returns the distances in nondecreasing order from vertex v to all vertices in g, treating g as an unweighted graph.
Eccentricity[g] gives the eccentricity of each vertex v of graph g, the maximum length among all shortest paths from v.
EdgeChromaticNumber[g] gives the fewest number of colors necessary to color each edge of graph g, so that no two edges incident on the same vertex have the same color.
EdgeColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge coloring of graph g.
EquivalenceRelationQ[r] yields True if the matrix r defines an equivalence relation. EquivalenceRelationQ[g] tests whether the adjacency matrix of graph g defines an ...
FindCycle[g] finds a list of vertices that define a cycle in graph g.
GetEdgeLabels[g] returns the list of labels of the edges of g. GetEdgeLabels[g, e] returns the list of labels in graph g of the edges in e.
GetEdgeWeights[g] returns the list of weights of the edges of g. GetEdgeWeights[g, e] returns the list of weights in graph g of the edges in e.
GetVertexLabels[g] returns the list of labels of vertices of g. GetVertexLabels[g, v] returns the list of labels in graph g of the vertices specified in list v.
GetVertexWeights[g] returns the list of weights of vertices of g. GetVertexWeights[g, v] returns the list of weights in graph g of the vertices in v.