ChartStyle is an option for charting functions that specifies styles in which chart elements should be drawn.
PlotStyle is an option for plotting and related functions that specifies styles in which objects are to be drawn.
AddVertex[g] adds one disconnected vertex to graph g. AddVertex[g, v] adds to g a vertex with coordinates specified by v.
ApproximateVertexCover[g] produces a vertex cover of graph g whose size is guaranteed to be within twice the optimal size.
ChvatalGraph returns a smallest triangle-free, 4-regular, 4-chromatic graph.
DeleteVertex[g, v] deletes a single vertex v from graph g. Here v is a vertex number.
DeleteVertices[g, vList] deletes vertices in vList from graph g. vList has the form {i, j, ...}, where i, j, ... are vertex numbers.
ExactRandomGraph[n, e] constructs a random labeled graph of exactly e edges and n vertices.
FolkmanGraph returns a smallest graph that is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive.
FruchtGraph returns the smallest 3-regular graph whose automorphism group consists of only the identity.