Here is a homogeneous equation in which the total degree of both the numerator and the denominator of the right-hand side is 2. The two parts of the solution list give ...
Suppose that you have a limited amount of data from which to obtain estimates of statistics for a population. The sampling distribution for those estimates can be ...
A "How to" describes how to carry out particular tasks with Mathematica, giving step-by-step instructions for common cases.
Transpose[list] transposes the first two levels in list. Transpose[list, {n_1, n_2, ...}] transposes list so that the k\[Null]^th level in list is the n_k\[Null]^th level in ...
Thinning[image] finds the skeletons of foreground regions in image by applying morphological thinning until convergence.Thinning[image, n] performs n iterations of ...
FisherHypergeometricDistribution[n, n_succ, n_tot, w] represents a Fisher noncentral hypergeometric distribution.
Ways to label two-dimensional plots. Here is a plot, using the default Axes->True. Setting Frame->True generates a frame with axes, and removes tick marks from the ordinary ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pane[expr] displays as a pane containing expr. Pane[expr, w] makes the pane be w printer's points wide, linewrapping the contents if necessary.Pane[expr, {w, h}] makes the ...
DataSources[] returns a list of information about named data sources made available through DatabaseResourcesPath.DataSources[name] returns a list of information about the ...
Groups admit many different representations. In particular, all finite groups can be represented as permutation groups, that is, they are always isomorphic to a subgroup of ...