The single command Manipulate lets you create an astonishing range of interactive applications with just a few lines of input. Manipulate is designed to be used by anyone who ...
Ever since Version 3 of Mathematica, there has been rich support for arbitrary mathematical typesetting and layout. Underlying all that power was a so-called box language, ...
ListLinePlot[{y_1, y_2, ...}] plots a line through a list of values, assumed to correspond to x coordinates 1, 2, .... ListLinePlot[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] plots a ...
Mathematica includes many controls and structures related to controls as part of its core language. These control objects are supported in a completely seamless way ...
BoxFrame is an option for FrameBox objects that specifies whether to draw a frame around the contents of the box.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Mesh is an option for Plot3D, DensityPlot, and other plotting functions that specifies what mesh should be drawn.
In three dimensions, just as in two dimensions, you can give various graphics directives to specify how the different elements in a graphics object should be rendered. All ...
WordData["word", " property"] gives the specified property for the English word " word".WordData["word"] gives a list of full word specifications representing possible uses ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) NthPair[n] returns the n\[Null]^th unordered pair of distinct positive integers, when sequenced to minimize the size of the larger integer. Pairs that have the same larger ...
SetEdgeLabels[g, l] assigns the labels in l to edges of g.