StatusArea[expr, string] displays string in the status area of the current notebook when the mouse pointer is in the region where expr appears.
DataSourceNames[] returns a list of the names of data sources made available through DatabaseResourcesPath.
ParetoPlot[list] creates a Pareto plot from the frequencies of the elements in list.ParetoPlot[{{cat_1, freq_1}, {cat_2, freq_2}, ...}] creates a Pareto plot from categories ...
When plotting curves from data, there are several methods you can use to display the data points along the curve. While the default settings for displaying such plots are ...
Mathematica 's powerful spline functionality includes both numeric and symbolic support. Built-in basis polynomials and efficient spline construction provide a way to ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cell[contents] is the low-level representation of a cell inside a Mathematica notebook. Cell[contents, " style"] represents a cell in the specified style.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Framed[expr] displays a framed version of expr.
ListPolarPlot[{r_1, r_2, ...}] plots points equally spaced in angle at radii r_i.ListPolarPlot[{{\[Theta]_1, r_1}, {\[Theta]_2, r_2}, ...}] plots points at polar coordinates ...
NyquistGridLines is an option to NyquistPlot that specifies contours of constant magnitude and phase of a closed-loop system.
StreamScale is an option to StreamPlot, ListStreamPlot, and related functions that determines the length and arrowhead size of streamlines that are drawn.