CUDAImageAdd[img, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in img.CUDAImageAdd[mem, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in mem.CUDAImageAdd[img 1, img 2] gives an ...
CUDAImageMultiply[img, x] multiplies an amount x to each channel value in img.CUDAImageMultiply[mem, x] multiplies an amount x to each channel value in ...
TetGenGetFacetHoles[expr] gets the holes in the facets.
TetGenGetHoles[expr] returns the holes in a TetGen expression.
TetGenSetFacetHoles[expr, holes] sets the holes in the facets.
TetGenSetHoles[expr, points] sets the holes in a TetGen expression.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Plot[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] generates a plot of f as a function of x from x_min to x_max. Plot[{f_1, f_2, ...}, {x, x_min, x_max}] plots several functions f_i.
All textual and graphical forms in Mathematica are ultimately represented in terms of nested collections of boxes. Typically the elements of these boxes correspond to objects ...
In addition to its graphical results, Wolfram|Alpha can provide alternative representations that contain additional information or are well suited to particular tasks. These ...
Suppose two functions have the same domain and different ranges. Plotting them together using Plot uses the same scale for the y values. To compare the functions, TwoAxisPlot ...