NotebookFileName[] gives the file name of the current evaluation notebook. NotebookFileName[nb] gives the file name for the notebook specified by nb.
LegendPosition is an option for Legend, which specifies the location of the lower-left corner of a legend box.
ShadowBorder is an option for ShadowBox, which specifies the style of the border around the rectangle above a shadow.
You may wish to save your work in a format other than the default Mathematica notebook for sharing or publication. Mathematica has a very robust system for exporting your ...
Complement[e_all, e_1, e_2, ...] gives the elements in e_all which are not in any of the e_i.
FinancialIndicator["ind", par_1, par_2, ...] represents a financial indicator " ind" with parameters par_1, par_2, etc.
FindDivisions[{x_min, x_max}, n] finds a list of about n "nice" numbers that divide the interval around x_min to x_max into equally spaced parts. FindDivisions[{x_min, x_max, ...
FontFamily is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the font family in which text should be rendered.
MeshShading is an option for plotting functions that gives lists of colors to use for regions between mesh divisions.