ChangeEdges[g, e] replaces the edges of graph g with the edges in e. e can have the form {{s_1, t_1}, {s_2, t_2}, ...} or the form {{{s_1, t_1}, gr_1}, {{s_2, t_2}, gr_2}, ...
ChangeVertices[g, v] replaces the vertices of graph g with the vertices in the given list v. v can have the form {{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...} or the form {{{x_1, y_1}, ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Edges[g] gives the list of edges in g. Edges[g, All] gives the edges of g along with the graphics options associated with each edge. Edges[g, EdgeWeight] returns the list of ...
Vertices[g] gives the coordinates of each vertex of graph g embedded in a plane.Vertices[g, All] gives the embedding of the graph along with graphics options associated with ...
Miscellaneous`WorldPlot` functionality is now available in the newly created World Plotting Package. Many enhancements are available through the built-in Mathematica kernel ...
BoxOrientation is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies the orientation of the boxes.
At the core of Mathematica is the foundational idea that everything —data, programs, formulas, graphics, documents—can be represented as symbolic expressions. And it is this ...
Built on powerful and elegant principles, the core Mathematica language has emerged over the past 20 years as perhaps the world's richest and deepest programming language. ...
Mathematica supports state-of-the-art sound generation, providing both arbitrary waveform synthesis from functions and data, and symbolic note-based MIDI-style sound ...
Mathematica's core tree-oriented symbolic language makes it uniquely suited to working with XML. Mathematica can not only import—from files or the web—arbitrary XML with any ...