(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Magnify[expr, r] represents an object to be displayed with magnification r. Magnify[expr] displays with expr magnified by a fixed factor.
FrameTicksStyle is an option for 2D graphics functions that specifies how frame ticks should be rendered.
JavaBlock -- release any Java objects created during evaluation once evaluation finishes, BeginJavaBlock, EndJavaBlock -- mark the beginning and end of a Java block, ...
DefineNETDelegate[name, rtype, ptypes] creates a new .NET delegate type with the given name name, return type rtype, and parameter types ptypes.
DoNETModal[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground and does not return until the form window is closed.DoNETModal[form, expr] evaluates expr just before the ...
DoNETModeless[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground and then returns.
ShowNETWindow[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground.
The GUIKit framework provides Mathematica functions, such as PropertyValue[{" StyleBox["widgetName", "TI"]"," StyleBox["propertyName", "TI"]"}], for accessing state ...
SetterBar[x, {val_1, val_2, ...}] represents a setter bar with setting x and with setter buttons for values val_i.SetterBar[Dynamic[x], {val_1, val_2, ...}] takes the setting ...
SelectionAnimate[notebook] animates graphics in the current selection in a notebook. SelectionAnimate[notebook, t] animates graphics for t seconds.