CreateDialog[expr] creates a dialog notebook containing expr and opens it in the front end.CreateDialog[expr, obj] replaces the notebook represented by the notebook object ...
Wolfram LibraryLink allows dynamic libraries to be directly loaded into the Mathematica kernel so that functions in the libraries can be immediately called from Mathematica. ...
GraphicsComplex[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}, data] represents a graphics complex in which coordinates given as integers i in graphics primitives in data are taken to be pt_i.
Specifying formats for text in graphics. Here is a plot with default settings for all formats. Here is the same plot, but now using a 12-point bold font.
You may want to export a graphic for use outside Mathematica . You have a large set of choices of raster and vector formats.
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ControllerManipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr set up to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u using an external controller ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) $Linked is True if the Mathematica kernel is being run through MathLink.
InputField[] represents a blank editable input field. InputField[x] represents an editable input field that currently contains the expression x. InputField[Dynamic[x]] takes ...