mint const*MTensor_getDimensions (MTensor t) gets an array of the dimensions of an MTensor.
LanguageSyntax is an option to NETTypeInfo that specifies which language syntax will be used to display the type information.
SafeArrayAsArray is an option to LoadCOMTypeLibrary that specifies whether to import all SAFEARRAYs as System.Array rather than a typed, single-dimensional managed array.
$OpenCLDevice is a device used throughout OpenCLLink's computation.
$OpenCLPlatform is a platform used throughout OpenCLLink's computation.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Autodesk Maya scene description format. 3D geometry format. Native format of the Maya modeling, animation, and rendering software. Used for storage and interchange of 3D ...
Mathematica provides a simple and consistent method for accessing and using files. In addition to inserting a file path that is specific to your operating system, Mathematica ...
(Mathematica System Program) mcc options files MathLink template file compiler.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Clock[] represents a clock variable whose value cycles continuously from 0 to 1 once per second when it appears inside a dynamically updated object such as a Dynamic. ...
NotebookWrite[notebook, data] writes data into a notebook at the current selection, setting the current selection to be just after the data written. NotebookWrite[notebook, ...