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FromServiceResponse   (WebServices Symbol)
FromServiceResponse[response] converts a response message into a Mathematica expression.
InstallServiceOperation   (WebServices Symbol)
InstallServiceOperation[name, endpoint, arguments, headers] creates a function for the web service operation using the end point, arguments, and options.
ToServiceRequest   (WebServices Symbol)
ToServiceRequest[parameters, headers] builds a request message using input provided in the parameters.
$PrintServiceRequest   (WebServices Symbol)
$PrintServiceRequest uses the Mathematica Print function to print the message sent to a web service.
$PrintServiceResponse   (WebServices Symbol)
$PrintServiceResponse uses the Mathematica Print function to print the message received from a web service before it is deserialized into a Rule syntax expression.
JDBCDrivers   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
JDBCDrivers[] returns a list of information about JDBC drivers available through DatabaseResourcesPath.JDBCDrivers[name] returns a list of information about the JDBC driver ...
WizardPage   (GUIKit Package)
Widget["WizardPage"] represents a page of a wizard.
OpenCLMersenneTwister   (OpenCLLink Symbol)
OpenCLMersenneTwister[n] generates n random reals using the Mersenne Twister algorithm.
MathLink and External Program ...   (Mathematica Overview)
Introduction to MathLink How MathLink Is Used Installing Existing MathLink-Compatible Programs
The Wolfram Lightweight Grid Client   (Lightweight Grid Client Guide)
The Wolfram Lightweight Grid is a system for launching and managing remote Mathematica kernels, a key element of a Mathematica^® grid computing environment.
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