This dialog displays information regarding the editing times of the input notebook. This is a "live" dialog that dynamically updates as changes are made to the notebook. It ...
NotebookLocate["tag"] locates all cells with the specified tag in your current input notebook, selecting the cells and scrolling to the position of the first one. ...
EstimatorRegulator[ss, {l, \[Kappa]}] constructs the feedback regulator for the StateSpaceModel object ss with estimator and feedback gain matrices l and \[Kappa], ...
OutputControllableModelQ[ss] gives True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is output controllable, and False otherwise.
Built into Mathematica are a large number of special characters intended for use in mathematical and other notation. "Listing of Named Characters" gives a complete listing. ...
When Mathematica reads the text x^y, it interprets it as x raised to the power y. In a notebook, you can also give the two-dimensional input x^y directly. Mathematica again ...
StateSpaceRealization is an option to StateSpaceModel that specifies its canonical representation.
OutputControllabilityMatrix[ss] gives the output controllability matrix of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
Mathematica 6.0 fundamentally redefined Mathematica and introduced a major new paradigm for computation. Building on Mathematica's time-tested core symbolic architecture, ...
CheckboxBar[x, {val_1, val_2, ...}] represents a checkbox bar with setting x and with checkboxes for values val_i to include in the list x.CheckboxBar[Dynamic[x], {val_1, ...