241 - 250 of 1131 for hide controls buttonSearch Results
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MousePosition   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MousePosition[] gives the current mouse position in the notebook front end. MousePosition["coords"] gives the mouse position with respect to the specified coordinate ...
Subscripts, Bars, and Other Modifiers   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Here is a typical palette of modifiers. Mathematica allows you to use any expression as a subscript. Unless you specifically tell it otherwise, Mathematica will interpret a ...
StartingStepSize   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StartingStepSize is an option to NDSolve and related functions that specifies the initial step size to use in trying to generate results.
DiscreteTimeModelQ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiscreteTimeModelQ[expr] gives True if expr is a discrete-time StateSpaceModel or TransferFunctionModel object and False otherwise.
DiscreteLQRegulatorGains   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiscreteLQRegulatorGains[ss, {q, r}, \[Tau]] gives the optimal discrete-time state feedback gain matrix with sampling period \[Tau] for the continuous-time StateSpaceModel ...
Advanced Dynamic Functionality   (Mathematica Tutorial)
"Introduction to Manipulate" and "Introduction to Dynamic" provide most of the information you need to use Mathematica's interactive features accessible through the functions ...
Help > X Environment Information   (Mathematica Menu Item)
X Environment Information opens a dialog box that displays the current attributes of the X front end environment (X only).
While   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
While[test, body] evaluates test, then body, repetitively, until test first fails to give True.
GUIKit Example: ActionApp   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
This example illustrates how to take advantage of Widget["Action"] objects and easily connect and construct typical user interface elements, such as menu items, toolbars, ...
WidgetGroup   (GUIKit Package Symbol)
WidgetGroup[{content, ...}] specifies custom layout settings for how the content widgets are displayed.
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