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GUIKit Example: PrimeFinder   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
This example displays a dialog for finding prime numbers and alerting the user when any entered expression evaluates to a prime number. The modal version also shows how ...
Rotate, Zoom, and Pan Graphics   (Mathematica How To)
One of the most powerful aspects of graphics in Mathematica is their interactivity. Rotating, zooming, and panning your graphics allows for a more complete visualization ...
EventLocator Method for NDSolve   (Mathematica Tutorial)
It is often useful to be able to detect and precisely locate a change in a differential system. For example, with the detection of a singularity or state change, the ...
Sound   (Mathematica Tutorial)
On most computer systems, Mathematica can produce not only graphics but also sound. Mathematica treats graphics and sound in a closely analogous way. For example, just as you ...
RenkoChart   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
RenkoChart[{{date_1, p_1}, {date_2, p_2}, ...}] makes a Renko chart with prices p_i at date date_i.RenkoChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a Renko chart of closing prices for ...
Work with Pure Functions   (Mathematica How To)
The ability to define and use your own functions is part of what gives Mathematica such power. It is often inconvenient to have to explicitly name a function for every small ...
Setting Up Hyperlinks   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Methods for generating hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a special kind of button which jumps to another part of a notebook when it is pressed. Typically hyperlinks are indicated in ...
Add Transparency to Plots   (Mathematica How To)
Transparency is useful in plots when you need an unobstructed view of multiple components of one plot, or simply want to lighten a single plot component against a white ...
Cell > Notebook History...   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Notebook History displays a time record of changes made in the input notebook.
EstimatorGains   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
EstimatorGains[ss, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n}] gives the estimator gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss, such that the poles of the estimator are p_i.
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