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NicholsGridLines   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NicholsGridLines is an option to NicholsPlot that specifies contours of constant magnitude and constant phase of the closed-loop system.
NyquistGridLines   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NyquistGridLines is an option to NyquistPlot that specifies contours of constant magnitude and phase of a closed-loop system.
ObservableModelQ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ObservableModelQ[ss] gives True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is observable, and False otherwise.
PoleZeroMarkers   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PoleZeroMarkers is an option for RootLocusPlot that specifies the markers to be drawn on the complex plane at the open-loop poles, closed-loop poles, and open-loop zeros.
Which   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Which[test_1, value_1, test_2, value_2, ...] evaluates each of the test_i in turn, returning the value of the value_i corresponding to the first one that yields True.
When you see a two-dimensional expression on the screen, you can edit it much as you would edit text. You can for example place your cursor somewhere and start typing. Or you ...
Interrupting Calculations   (Mathematica Tutorial)
There will probably be times when you want to stop Mathematica in the middle of a calculation. Perhaps you realize that you asked Mathematica to do the wrong thing. Or ...
Values for Symbols   (Mathematica Tutorial)
When Mathematica transforms an expression such as x+x into 2x, it is treating the variable x in a purely symbolic or formal fashion. In such cases, x is a symbol which can ...
Options and Auxiliary Functions   (Notation Package Tutorial)
Notation , Symbolize and InfixNotation have several options that modify their behavior. These notation functions all take the options WorkingForm and Action. In addition the ...
Script   (GUIKit Package Symbol)
Script[scriptcode] defines a script to be used either on load or during an event.
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