41 - 50 of 503 for holomorphic rootSearch Results
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Cubics   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Cubics is an option for functions that involve solving algebraic equations, that specifies whether explicit forms for solutions to cubic equations should be given.
NRoots   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NRoots[lhs == rhs, var] yields a disjunction of equations which represent numerical approximations to the roots of a polynomial equation.
Algebraic Numbers   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The representation of algebraic numbers. When you enter a Root object, the polynomial that appears in it is automatically reduced to a minimal form. This extracts the pure ...
Quartics   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Quartics is an option for functions that involve solving algebraic equations that specifies whether explicit forms for solutions to quartic equations should be given.
Directories & Directory Operations   (Mathematica Guide)
BaseStyle   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BaseStyle is an option for formatting and related constructs that specifies the base style to use for them.
DifferentialRootReduce   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DifferentialRootReduce[expr, x] attempts to reduce expr to a single DifferentialRoot object as a function of x.DifferentialRootReduce[expr, {x, x_0}] takes the initial ...
LatticeData   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LatticeData[lattice, " property"] gives the specified property for a lattice.LatticeData[n] gives a list of named lattices of dimension n.
Mathematica 8 adds a number of new areas for visualization, including statistical, financial, wavelet, and control-related visualizations. These areas all provide a high ...
RadicalBox   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
RadicalBox[x, n] is a low-level box construct that represents the displayed object Power[x, (n)^-1] in notebook expressions.
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