Mathematica supports zeta and polylogarithm functions of a complex variable in full generality, performing efficient arbitrary-precision evaluation and implementing extensive ...
A core activity in exploratory experimental mathematics is recognition of numbers: going backward from a number to find out how it can be generated. Mathematica provides ...
Mathematica's descriptive statistics functions operate both on explicit data and on symbolic representations of statistical distributions. When operating on explicit data, ...
Although Diophantine equations provide classic examples of undecidability, Mathematica in practice succeeds in solving a remarkably wide range of such equations—automatically ...
For many kinds of practical calculations, the only operations you will need to perform on polynomials are essentially structural ones. If you do more advanced algebra with ...
NumberFieldIntegralBasis[a] gives an integral basis for the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
Mathematica's graphics language is carefully designed to make it easy to control—both manually and programmatically—the detailed appearance and labeling of graphics, while ...
Version 6.0 added hundreds of new options for formatting and styling —supporting Version 6.0's major advances in dynamic interactivity, interoperability, interface ...
Mathematica includes a very large collection of mathematical functions. "Mathematical Functions" gives the complete list. Here are a few of the common ones. Some common ...
NumberFieldFundamentalUnits[a] gives a list of fundamental units for the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.