ImageAlign[image_1, image_2] returns a version of image_2 that is aligned with image_1.
ImageTake[image, n] gives an image consisting of the first n rows of image.ImageTake[image, -n] gives an image consisting of the last n rows of image.ImageTake[image, {row_1, ...
ColorNegate[image] gives the negative of image, in which all colors have been negated.
RidgeFilter[image] computes a measure for the presence of a ridge for each pixel in image.RidgeFilter[image, \[Sigma]] uses the specified ridge scale \[Sigma].
ImageHistogram[image] plots a histogram of the pixel levels for each channel in image.ImageHistogram[image, n] uses n levels for each channel.ImageHistogram[image, n, {min, ...
ImageLevels[image] gives a list of pixel values and counts for each channel in image. ImageLevels[image, n] bins pixel values into n equally spaced levels.ImageLevels[image, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Closing[image, ker] gives the morphological closing of image with respect to the structuring element ker.Closing[image, r] gives the closing with respect to a range r square.
GeodesicErosion[marker, mask] gives the fixed point of the geodesic erosion of the image marker constrained by the image mask.
HitMissTransform[image, ker] gives the hit-and-miss transform of image with respect to the composite structuring element ker.HitMissTransform[image, {ker_1, ker_2, ...}] ...
ImageKeypoints[image] finds key features in image and returns their coordinates.ImageKeypoints[image, prop] gives the specified property prop for each keypoint.