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Visualization and Graphics   (Mathematica Guide)
Symbolic graphics and unparalleled function and data visualization
Mathematica Expressions in Files   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica's symbolic architecture immediately defines a serializable representation for any Mathematica data or program—which can then readily be stored in a file.
Edit > Copy As   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy As opens a submenu to copy a selection and convert it to the specified format.
Edit > Copy   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy copies a selection to the clipboard without deleting it from your notebook.
File > Print...   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Print prints the active notebook.
File > Save   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Save saves the current notebook.
ExportString   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ExportString[expr, " format"] generates a string corresponding to expr exported in the specified format. ExportString[rules, {"format", "Rules"}] gives explicit rules for ...
MinCut   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
MinCut[g, k] partitions the undirected graph g into k parts where the number of edge cuts is approximately minimized.
StringPosition   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringPosition["string", " sub"] gives a list of the starting and ending character positions at which " sub" appears as a substring of " string". StringPosition["string", ...
ViewPoint   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ViewPoint is an option for Graphics3D and related functions which gives the point in space from which three-dimensional objects are to be viewed.
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