GUIResolve[src] resolves an interface definition to its top-level completely loaded widget and enclosing widgets.GUIResolve[src, args] passes arguments to the interface ...
The graphics language of Mathematica is fully integrated with dynamic interactivity. This lets you create graphics that can respond to input devices in a variety of ways.
CurrentValue[item] gives the current value of item at a location in the Mathematica system and interface. CurrentValue[{item, spec}] gives the current value for the feature ...
KernelLink -- communicate with a Mathematica kernel, MathLink -- low-level methods for communicating with any MathLink program, MathLinkFactory -- create links, ...
FreeCDF (.cdf) creates a new Computable Document Format (CDF) file.
LoadJavaClass -- load and set up a Java class for use from Mathematica, JavaClass -- expression that represents a Java class, JavaNew -- create a Java object of a specified ...
(Mathematica System Program) mprep options preprocesses the MathLink template file, and generates C code that contains all the necessary MathLink code to call C functions from ...
Here are a few examples that demonstrate building user interfaces with the GUIKit framework. Hello World—The classic simple application written with GUIKit. Simple Slider
The Java toolkit J/Link introduced Mathematica users to a powerful new technology for Mathematica programs to access the functionality of Java classes and, in particular, the ...