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Refresh   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Refresh[expr, opts] represents an object whose value in a Dynamic should be refreshed at times specified by the options opts. Refresh[expr, None] specifies that the value of ...
SendMail   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
SendMail[rules] sends an email message built up from the elements specified in rules.
$KernelID   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$KernelID is a unique ID number assigned to each running parallel kernel.
$MessageGroups   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$MessageGroups is the list of rules that gives named message groups used in functions like On and Quiet.
$ProcessorCount   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$ProcessorCount gives the number of processor cores available on the computer system on which Mathematica is being run.
AppletViewer   (JLink Symbol)
AppletViewer[javaclass, parameters] displays a window with an applet of the specified JavaClass running in it. AppletViewer["classname", parameters] displays a window running ...
ShowJavaConsole   (JLink Symbol)
ShowJavaConsole[] displays the Java console window and begins capturing output sent to the Java System.out and System.err streams. ShowJavaConsole["stdout"] captures only ...
Developing an Import Converter   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Mathematica provides functions that allow users to write their own file format converters and integrate them with the Mathematica Import and Export framework. You can ...
Naming and Finding Files   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The precise details of the naming of files differ from one computer system to another. Nevertheless, Mathematica provides some fairly general mechanisms that work on all ...
Interaction with Mathematica   (Library Link Tutorial)
Wolfram LibraryLink allows dynamic libraries to be directly loaded into the Mathematica kernel so that functions in the libraries can be immediately called from Mathematica. ...
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