These tutorials help you to start to use GUIKit to develop your own user interfaces. It shows how to launch and run GUIs, how to inspect them as they are running, and how to ...
To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network, and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
Supported Development Platforms Installing the MathLink Components Building MathLink Programs
Supported Development Platforms Installing the MathLink Components Building MathLink Programs
Mathematica immediately allows you to call both standalone programs and individual functions or methods within running programs. Mathematica's architecture allows external ...
CloseKernels[] terminates all parallel kernels from the list Kernels[].CloseKernels[k] terminates the kernel k.CloseKernels[{k_1, k_2, ...}] terminates the kernels k_1, k_2, ...
CriticalSection[{var_1, var_2, ...}, expr] locks the variables var_i with respect to parallel computation, evaluates expr, then releases the var_i.
ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates in parallel the sum \[Sum]i = 1 i_max expr.ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = i min.ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_min, ...
WaitNext[{eid_1, eid_2, ...}] waits until the first evaluation represented by any of the eid_i finishes, then returns its result, the corresponding eid_i, and the list of ...
JavaShow[window] causes the specified Java window to be brought to the foreground, so that it appears in front of notebook windows.