CellularAutomaton[rule, init, t] generates a list representing the evolution of the cellular automaton with the specified rule from initial condition init for t steps. ...
CandlestickChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1}}, ...}] makes a chart with candles representing open, high, low, and close prices for each date. ...
GraphCoordinates3D[g, options] calculates a visually appealing 3D layout of the vertices of a graph g and returns the coordinates of the vertices.
GraphCoordinates[g, options] calculates a visually appealing 2D layout of the vertices of the graph g and returns the coordinates of the vertices.
Documentation Center navigation shortcuts. Window cycling shortcuts. Scrolling shortcuts.
GUIKit provides a higher-level Mathematica expression syntax for defining a graphical user interface along with a runtime environment for managing and deploying these ...
SymbolicGUIKitXMLToWidget[body] converts a GUIKitXML representation into the equivalent user interface expression.
WidgetFill[] is a widget layout placeholder used when adjacent widgets should not dominate the layout space.
WidgetSpace[] is a widget layout placeholder used when spacing is needed between widgets.