The Wolfram Demonstrations Project has provided an invaluable resource for educators, book authors, hobbyists, and professionals alike. Most Demonstrations are contributed by ...
Mathematica notebooks can have headers and footers that are displayed when the notebook is printed but not on screen. Headers and footers can contain fixed text or dynamic ...
Mathematica 's built-in spell checker includes the ability to customize spelling dictionaries both permanently and for individual notebooks.
Stylesheet assigns a stylesheet to the current notebook.
ControllerMethod is an option for Manipulate, Graphics3D, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies the default way that controls on an external controller device should ...
InString[n] is a global object that is assigned to be the text of the n\[Null]^th input line.
LibraryLoad[lib] loads the dynamic library lib into the Mathematica runtime.
$FrontEndSession is a global symbol that represents the current session of the front end from which the kernel is being run.
Normally a live GUIObject instance will shut down and dispose of itself through the normal user action of closing a window or other interface widget that performs the ...
In doing calculations, you will often need to use previous results that you have got. In Mathematica, % always stands for your last result. Ways to refer to your previous ...