Appearance is an option for displayed objects such as Button and Slider that specifies the general type of appearance they should have.
ChoiceDialog[expr] puts up a standard choice dialog that displays expr together with OK and Cancel buttons, and returns True if OK is clicked and False if Cancel is ...
EmitSound[snd] emits the sound snd when evaluated. EmitSound[{snd_1, snd_2, ...}] emits each of the sounds snd_i in sequence.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) In[n] is a global object that is assigned to have a delayed value of the n\[Null]^th input line.
MessageDialog[expr] puts up a standard message dialog that displays expr together with an OK button.MessageDialog[expr, {lbl_1 :> act_1, lbl_2 :> act_2, ...}] includes ...
NotebookSelection[] represents the current selection in the current evaluation notebook in the front end.NotebookSelection[nb] represents the current selection associated ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Quit[] terminates a Mathematica kernel session.
SelectedNotebook[] gives the currently selected notebook in the front end.
StyleDefinitions is an option for notebooks that gives definitions for the styles that can be used in a notebook.