ParameterEstimator is an option to EstimatedDistribution and FindDistributionParameters that specifies what parameter estimator to use.
x - y is equivalent to x + (-1*y).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArrayQ[expr] gives True if expr is a full array or a SparseArray object, and gives False otherwise. ArrayQ[expr, patt] requires expr to be a full array with a depth that ...
CloseKernels[] terminates all parallel kernels from the list Kernels[].CloseKernels[k] terminates the kernel k.CloseKernels[{k_1, k_2, ...}] terminates the kernels k_1, k_2, ...
DGaussianWavelet[] represents a derivative of Gaussian wavelet of derivative order 2.DGaussianWavelet[n] represents a derivative of Gaussian wavelet of derivative order n.
DirectedEdge[u, v] or u \[DirectedEdge] v represents a directed edge from u to v.
FindEdgeCover[g] finds an edge cover of the graph g with a minimum number of edges.
GraphHighlightStyle is an option to Graph and related objects that specifies styles to use for highlighted graph elements.
MexicanHatWavelet[] represents the Mexican hat wavelet of width 1.MexicanHatWavelet[\[Sigma]] represents the Mexican hat wavelet of width \[Sigma].
PaulWavelet[] represents a Paul wavelet of order 4.PaulWavelet[n] represents a Paul wavelet of order n.