A "How to" describes how to carry out particular tasks with Mathematica, giving step-by-step instructions for common cases.
ConnectedComponents[g] gives the connected components of the graph g.ConnectedComponents[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}] gives the connected components that include at least one of the ...
KCoreComponents[g, k] gives the k-core components of the underlying simple graph of g.KCoreComponents[g, k, "InDegree"] gives the k-core components with vertex in-degrees at ...
InitialArguments is an option to Widget which specifies the argument list to use when instantiating this widget definition.
AlternatingGroup[n] generates the set of even-size n permutations, the alternating group on n symbols. AlternatingGroup[l] generates the set of even permutations of the list ...
AlternatingPaths[g, start, ME] returns the alternating paths in graph g with respect to the matching ME, starting at the vertices in the list start. The paths are returned in ...
ArticulationVertices[g] gives a list of all articulation vertices in graph g. These are vertices whose removal will disconnect the graph.
BiconnectedComponents[g] gives a list of the biconnected components of graph g. If g is directed, the underlying undirected graph is used.
BipartiteMatching[g] gives the list of edges associated with a maximum matching in bipartite graph g. If the graph is edge weighted, then the function returns a matching with ...
CodeToLabeledTree[l] constructs the unique labeled tree on n vertices from the Prüfer code l, which consists of a list of n - 2 integers between 1 and n.