ImagePad[image, m] pads image on all sides with m background pixels.ImagePad[image, m, padding] pads image on all sides using the value or method specified by ...
ImageValue[image, {x, y}] gives the pixel value of image at position {x, y}.ImageValue[image, {x, y}, " type"] gives the pixel value converted to the specified type.
Parallelization is an option for Compile that specifies whether it should create a compiled function that could run in parallel.
PixelValue[image, {x, y}] gives the pixel value of image at position {x, y}.PixelValue[image, {x, y}, " type"] gives the pixel value converted to the specified type.
StreamColorFunction is an option for StreamPlot and related functions that specifies a function to apply to determine colors along streamlines.
UndirectedGraph[g] gives an undirected graph from the directed graph g.
VectorColorFunction is an option for VectorPlot and related functions which specifies a function to apply to determine colors of field vectors drawn.
VerifyTestAssumptions is an option to LocationTest and similar functions that controls which assumptions to verify through diagnostic tests.
Fields[javaclass] returns a list of the Java declarations for all fields of the specified JavaClass. Fields["classname"] lists the fields for the named class. ...
Methods[javaclass] returns a list of the Java declarations for all methods of the specified JavaClass. Methods["classname"] lists the methods for the named class. ...